Monday, January 17, 2011

Baby Boy Wynn reveals his identity!!!

BIG DAY! We have finally learned the news that I have been waiting on and we are SO HAPPY!
Granny and I along with my God daughters Savannah and Dakota and many others were thinking it was a girl while Dad and Nana were routing for a boy!   Well pops guessed this one!

I immediately told the ultrasound technician that we wanted to know the sex and not even 3 seconds after she started the scan she blurted out BOY!  Crazy how fast she knew and how definitive it was!  Baby boy was laying wide open facing us so we could see the proof!  He cooperated with every measurement we needed and we were able to see his femurs, arms, spine, heart and brain.... and his man parts!    The measurements were spot on with the original due date of 6/11/11!  He was really active today, moving arms and legs all over, it amazes me that I am not able to feel that movement yet!  Soon I know!

We learned from the radiologist that I have partial "placenta previa" and were told it is nothing to worry about but we were relieved to learn more from Dr Wingo. Basically this means that my placenta is partially covering the cervix, the baby's escape route during labor.  Dr Wingo is hopeful that when the uterus moves up it will also pull the placenta up and fix the problem, worst case I will need to have a C-section.  So no need to worry now we will just have to wait and see. I will have another ultrasound in 8 weeks and see if there are changes.

Dr Wingo received the update on my SI joint issues and he feels that we are on the right paths in physical therapy. At this point our goal is pain management through the upcoming months.   He suggested exercising in a pool, this is the second doctor who has mentioned this so I am going to look into going a couple times a week. This just sounds like a safer option that will be less stress on my aching back and butt!

So my next appointment will be in 4 weeks to test my glucose levels then past that an ultrasound at 28 weeks.  We are moving right along!
I am so excited that I am able to move forward with baby boy's nursery and registry plans!  All of my researching and dreaming will now be FULL SPEED AHEAD , I can't wait this will really be the fun part for me!      Watch out Wade now I am ready to convert three rooms in this house, lots of work ahead!  YAY!

Cheers to BABY BOY WYNN!   Oh and yes we have name possibilities but they are top secret until he arrives :)

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Happy New Year Update!

Well here we are in 2011!  Hard to imagine that our lives are going to transform and EVERYTHING will be so different this year with the arrival of our little one!  I am excited for these changes and the unknown ahead! Bring it on!

We had a wonderful trip to Dallas over the holidays!  It was fun to spend time with family and our niece Kate who is three and growing like a little weed!  As always after all the anticipation of the holiday it came and went in a blur!

I am sure you would like a pregnancy update right, not just babbling about the holidays!  Don't worry I am getting there :)
I am offically into my 18th week of pregnancy, yay getting close to so many of the baby, feeling the baby move!
I am counting down the days ( literally with a calender on the fridge) to when we learn about baby boy or girl!  Less than a week away, 10:15 Monday Jan 17th!   This will be a pivotal point for us, I feel like I have so many plans in the works that are just waiting for this news!  I have spent countless hours online researching nursery ideas, cribs, bedding, gliders...........whew there is alot to learn with this baby stuff!  Those of you who know me well know that I am planning, planning and planning some more!   I will begin to register next week when I am in Houston with my best buddy Brooke and my God daughters, really looking forward to this!

So to the not so fun part, my aching back/butt pain is out of control! I know I am not the only pregnant woman with back pain but I am really struggling not to let this get me down on a daily basis!  Good news is that I did learn what is going on!   My OB referred me to a pain specialist/ortho doctor who I met with last week.  After doing several tests I learned that I am having S.I. Joint (Sacroiliac joint) pain. The SI joints connect the spine to the pelvis.

During pregnancy, hormones are released in the woman's body that allows ligaments to relax. This prepares the body for childbirth. Relaxation of the ligaments holding the SI joints together allows for increased motion in the joints and can lead to increased stresses and abnormal wear. The additional weight and altered walking pattern  associated with pregnancy also places additional stress on the SI joints.  Doc gave me a lovely brace called an SI belt that helps to stabilize the joint, so now I can add this to my collection of orthopedic devices!  Good thing I am in the business and know a thing or two about all this!

Second phase is that I started physical therapy last Friday!  I am working with two therapists who specialize in different areas ( one has worked alot with pregnant women and is the PT for the Nashville ballet)  and I feel optimistic that they will help!  After doing the initial evaluation we learned that my pelvis is very much off kilter!  The right side is tilted to the front and the left side is actually raised 1" which obviously affects alot!  My L5 vertebre was also completely locked..... so needless to say I have several issues going on which explains my pain! Through a technique called Active Release ( safe for pregnancy) I was able to work through a series of movements that helped line me back up.  They expect my body to go back and that we will need to do this adjustment for the next few weeks to hopefully remind my body what "normal" is!   The next two weeks will be the pain management phase and then I will be doing strength exercises for the pelvic floor and all those fun, important child birthing muscles!  I will most likely be in therapy for the rest of my pregnancy which I welcome if it helps!   I have high hopes and know that things could be so much worse, bed rest ARGH that would be hard!  Right now my best friends are my pregnancy pillow, the heating pad and baths in Epsom salts! 

Most importantly I know this will be a tiny blurb in my life that I will easily forget ( well maybe not easily?) after the baby is here! I am learning that pregnancy is not easy but such a BLESSING at the same time!  

Ok well look foward to next week's blog after our appointment!  YAY!!!!!!!!!!!