Monday, March 21, 2011

THIRD Trimester Update!!! Week 28

Welcome back!  I have been in pregnant babyland since I last blogged ,it has been too long!   I have lots of news to share today from my 28 week appointment and ultrasound and wanted to share!
We got to see baby boy on ultrasound and he is BIG, huge difference from 5 weeks ago!  I don't think it will stop amazing me each time I am able to take a peak that this little person is living inside of me!

First off the basics he weighed in today at 2 lbs 10 ounces!  He measured right at 29 weeks so a little ahead of where my due date is.   Doc said that our peanut is growing and developing perfectly!  His little brain looks good and arm bones, leg bones and man parts all well :)  We got some great photos of him! A very special thing about today's ultrasound is that baby's Granny was there to see him for the first time!  YES my mom is here!  YAY, YIPPEE!!  Perfect timing to share all of these big milestones with us!  I am SO grateful!

We received the results of our glucose test and everything is good there too, no gestational diabetes!

The main reason for today's ultrasound was to check the placenta previa which we were hoping would resolve, well it hasn't.   Just a quick refresher a previa means that the placenta is lying unusually low in the uterus, in my case completely covering the cervix which means baby has no way to come out! Overall, placenta previa is present in up to 1 in 200 deliveries..... I am one of the lucky ones!  Alot of times as the uterus move up it will pull the placenta up but at this point in the pregnancy we have a small chance of that happening.
What all this means is that I will most likely have a scheduled C-Section and I am now technically in the high risk "pre-term labor" category.  This means that I will most likely have baby during week 37 to 38. This changes my due date from mid June to the 3rd or 4th week of May, holy cow only about 8 weeks left! 
  The biggest thing we need to watch out for is bleeding which shows signs of a problem!  Doc said that if I bleed once that is OK, the second time it happens I will be admitted to the hospital until the birth! WHOA this scared me a bit, we will be saying lots of prayers that this is not the case for us and we have no emergencies!  It did put our mind at ease to hear that even if he came today we may have some challenges but a very strong chance for him to be normal and healthy!  We don't want that though, little guy needs to stay put!   I was given a steroid shot today as #1 in a series of 2 that will stimulate growth of babies lungs.  I am relieved to know that my doctor is thinking ahead and preparing for an early delivery just in case! 

Wade & I have our "babymoon" scheduled April 2 - 8 in Rosemary Beach, Florida ( between Destin & Panama City).    Dr. Wingo gave us the green light to go as long as we scope out the closest hospital that offers specialty OB care.  We will be staying in a condo on the beach and plan to get many days of rest and relaxation, just what we need before our lives get crazy!   We are both very much looking forward to the trip!  Can't wait to get some photos in my prego swimsuit :)

The weekend after we get back I get to look foward to my baby shower!  Looks like we are going to have a good turnout and several loved ones from Texas!   I am sooo dying to get all of the nursery stuff organized and set up!   The decorating part is done and I am in love with the room, it is a very special, tranquil place in our home!

Well hopefully we are all caught up!   I will be happily living day by day and trusting that God will work this out as I know He will :)   Another glimpse of how having MS in my life has prepared me for the uncertainty and necessity to TRUST and realize I am not in control!  Things can always be worse so I am going to be thankful  and think positive thoughts!

Happy Baby Thoughts!

This photo was taken last week at our "Bambino Club" party!  Prerequisite to be invited.... couple must be pregnant with first kiddo and in the case of my all of us above pregnant with little boys :)  If we find a nice couple looking for baby friends that are having a girl we will open our group to them too of course.... :)