Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Merry Christmas!

Well Christmas is here and the Wynn's are happy!  I had a great visit with my family in California.  My favorite part was telling my Grandma, I wrapped a framed ultrasound photo and when she opened it the look on her face was priceless! She is so happy to have another great grand baby as was my dad, aunts and cousins!   It was really special to share the news!   What a great Christmas 2010 has been already!

I will be 16 weeks/ 4 months pregnant on Christmas Day! We will be spending Christmas in Dallas with Wade's family so I will be in good company with my also pregnant sister in law, Melinda!

 Quick update on how I am feeling!
My waist line is still expanding though I still don't feel like I have a defined baby bump.  Half in maternity clothes, the other half trying to squeeze every last stretch out of my pre-pregnant wardrobe.  I seem to have meltdowns frequently lately while getting ready.....this new body is very different and I know I have a LONG way to go yet!   I have had constant back pain for almost 3 weeks now so the heating pad and huge pillow I sleep with at night are my friends!   I have been stretching, walking and doing prenatal yoga and that definitely seems to help. Today my sciatic nerve pain popped up on my left side so I dropped the high heels mid day and resolved to flats while working.   Energy levels are still down and some days I am so tired but I think that is just par for the course!

As for funny stories I definitely have to document my craving for bean burritos with green sauce, red hot sauce AND cottage cheese..... yes at the same time!  This just sounds so good to me!  I have also been craving avocados this week. I am craving protein but just not in meat, chicken and other meat just doesn't sound good to me for the past couple weeks.   Today I met a customer for lunch and I ordered so much I think I saw her jaw drop, she just chuckled and said yes now I know you are pregnant.  I left with TWO to go boxes.    I was on the treadmill this morning and happened to turn it to TLC " A Baby Story" and watched the story of two twin boys being born as I cried until the front of my shirt was wet!  Yea probably a pretty funny site a pregnant lady speed walking on the treadmill with tears everywhere!  A little emotional you think! Hormones???

Well that is it for now a little Christmas cheer!  My next doctors appointment is Jan 3rd and then the big one is Jan 17th where we will find out the sex!  SOOOO excited for this one!


Thursday, December 9, 2010

Flying Home to tell the Family!

I am about to get on a plane in a couple hours and I am so excited and anxious to share our big news with the rest of my family in California!  I know it seems like the whole world must know by now but I assure you they do not and it is about time to tell as I am going to burst!  Not to mention the fact that my belly is getting bigger by the day.... week 13 has definitely been a transformation for the baby bump!

I am taking baby bibs & great grandmother gear to make Christmas gift surprises so I hope it all works out how I envision it will.  I probably shouldn't have expectations but you know this is BIG news...... we will see I will defiantly post when I get back!

It will be so great to spend time with my mom in person, we have so much to chat and share these days!   We will have to try and hold ourselves back from the baby stores.............still 6 weeks left until we find out the sex well guess we could get neutral stuff.... humm .....


Thursday, December 2, 2010

First Trimester DONE!

Hi there!  Well I have been falling down on my blogging job, I haven't updated in many weeks!  We had an appointment today and saw baby so I knew I needed to post! We had our 12 week NT/Nuchal Translucency scan today. The NT is a routine ultrasound examination in which the baby is seen by abdominal ultrasound.  They assess the gestational age by measuring the crown-rump length and  also look for any major problems.The Nuchal Translucency is a collection of fluid beneath the fetal skin in the region of the neck and this is present and seen in all fetuses in early pregnancy. The fluid collection is however increased in many fetuses with Down's syndrome and many other chromosomal abnormalities. It is called a 'translucency' because on ultrasound this appears as a black space beneath the fetal skin. It is this black space that you can see measured during the ultrasound scan.The nuchal translucency test will also check whether your baby has a visible nasal bone. In the past few years it has been seen that approximately 3 in 4 babies with Down's syndrome do not have a visible nasal bone at the time of the first trimester screening test. If the nasal bone is visible at the scan then this will reduce the chance of the baby having Down's syndrome.  Our tests came back positive so all is well so far though we are waiting for a detailed breakdown of bloodwork.  So that is all good news!

During the ultrasound the technician needed baby to face my belly and baby was adament about staying on it's side.  It was so funny she kept prodding & jiggling my belly and moving the wand all over to get baby to move, we were able to see movement for the first time it was SO cool!  Baby was moving it's hand, jointed at the elbow already, toward the mouth and also stuck the foot straight out! He/she was being stubborn for a little while but she finally got the pictures she needed for our tests!   We got some great photos!  Side profile is very strong too, we saw the nose so clearly it is just amazing!

As far as how I have been feeling, definately pregnant would be my answer!  Waist line is gone, noticed some love handles that I have never had before and ohh the chest area still hurts!  I do not have a defined baby bump but I am to the stage where I am sure that many are wondering if I ate way too much for Thanksgiving!  My least favorite symptom so far is sciatic pain in my right butt cheek.   I started noticing around a week ago and tied it to the low back pain and pressure I have had, didn't help that I did 2 days worth of yard work and was flat on my back the next day!   This pain is an intense shooting almost electric pain that makes it very difficult to put pressure on my right leg...........doc said today that this will last throughout the pregnancy! ARGH -   my job is to manage with heating pads & warm Epsom salt bathes - fun stuff! I have enjoyed my food cravings so far, spicy and comfort food like mac-n-cheese seem to be my thing.  I am also loving pineapple these days............wasabi almonds some strange combinations!  Zero food aversions, I like everything and am HUNGRY!   So with all this being said I really do feel blessed even though none of that sounds like a walk in the park! Listening to stories of other pregnancies I know mine could be so much more difficult, much of this just comes with the territory!  Lots of reminders that this is going to be worth everything!

Next appt is Jan 3rd, my 17th week, which will be a doctors visit without ultrasound. Past that I will have an ultrasound done around week 19-20 and this will be the one I can't WAIT for , we will learn the sex!  So expect that news the week of January 17th!    Well this happy mama is going to go eat some Spagettios for dinner ( haven't eaten these for probably 25 years!) Yes craving for sure!  Talk to you all soon!