Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Merry Christmas!

Well Christmas is here and the Wynn's are happy!  I had a great visit with my family in California.  My favorite part was telling my Grandma, I wrapped a framed ultrasound photo and when she opened it the look on her face was priceless! She is so happy to have another great grand baby as was my dad, aunts and cousins!   It was really special to share the news!   What a great Christmas 2010 has been already!

I will be 16 weeks/ 4 months pregnant on Christmas Day! We will be spending Christmas in Dallas with Wade's family so I will be in good company with my also pregnant sister in law, Melinda!

 Quick update on how I am feeling!
My waist line is still expanding though I still don't feel like I have a defined baby bump.  Half in maternity clothes, the other half trying to squeeze every last stretch out of my pre-pregnant wardrobe.  I seem to have meltdowns frequently lately while getting ready.....this new body is very different and I know I have a LONG way to go yet!   I have had constant back pain for almost 3 weeks now so the heating pad and huge pillow I sleep with at night are my friends!   I have been stretching, walking and doing prenatal yoga and that definitely seems to help. Today my sciatic nerve pain popped up on my left side so I dropped the high heels mid day and resolved to flats while working.   Energy levels are still down and some days I am so tired but I think that is just par for the course!

As for funny stories I definitely have to document my craving for bean burritos with green sauce, red hot sauce AND cottage cheese..... yes at the same time!  This just sounds so good to me!  I have also been craving avocados this week. I am craving protein but just not in meat, chicken and other meat just doesn't sound good to me for the past couple weeks.   Today I met a customer for lunch and I ordered so much I think I saw her jaw drop, she just chuckled and said yes now I know you are pregnant.  I left with TWO to go boxes.    I was on the treadmill this morning and happened to turn it to TLC " A Baby Story" and watched the story of two twin boys being born as I cried until the front of my shirt was wet!  Yea probably a pretty funny site a pregnant lady speed walking on the treadmill with tears everywhere!  A little emotional you think! Hormones???

Well that is it for now a little Christmas cheer!  My next doctors appointment is Jan 3rd and then the big one is Jan 17th where we will find out the sex!  SOOOO excited for this one!


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