Wednesday, November 3, 2010

2nd Ultrasound!!! 8 weeks & 4 days

                                            LOOK, LOOK BABY WYNN !!!!

We had our 2nd ultrasound this morning with a very positive outcome!  Wade and I were amazed to learn that our little baby has tripled in size!  Two weeks ago the baby measured 6.5 mm and today he/she was 19.5mm! Compared to our 1st ultrasound you could see so much more, the baby is much bigger in size and you can actually see the little nubs that will soon be arms and legs! In this picture the baby is facing front with the head at the top, can you see those tiny little hands and feet forming ??? The ultrasound tech said it looks like a little gummy bear, almost 1" long now!   We were able to see the flicker of the heartbeat AND hear the sound today which was REALLY neat!  Dr. Eblen says everything is progressing nicely, we still are on track for 8 weeks, 4 days today!  When we said goodbye she actually said that I handled the stress really well through this process, sure didn't feel like it sometimes but that was nice to hear!   Never thought I would spend 3 months of my life in and out of a fertility clinic but boy it was an amazing experience and was SOOOO worth it!  

So we officially graduated and said goodbye to everyone before we left today, definitely bittersweet!   They want us to bring the baby back for introductions which is really neat.  They have a special room for families to visit, pretty cool!   So this part of the journey is over, now on to our OBGYN for the next 31 weeks of our pregnancy!   I have already scheduled my first appointment for next Tues 11/9 at 1:00!

I feel so blessed today!  I know so many women that have children but I have never been able to truly appreciate this process until now, until you are pregnant yourself it is so hard to describe the feelings attached!  And for me this is only the beginning, lots ahead and I am sure I will be praising and admiring these women with a fresh perspective every step of the way!

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