Monday, August 9, 2010

Day #1!

Welcome to my blog!   The Wynn baby journey officially started today, one day down 58 to go!
At this point those of you who are reading this know that we are going through IVF ( Invitro Fertilization) in hopes of gettting pregnant.  To stay sane through all of this I thought it would be fun to blog the process, the good & bad!  I have to warn you that this may be a little graphic, lots of "female" terms!  I want this to be real & raw! Hopefully this is a good way to keep everyone up to date on where we are & what is next!

So get ready here we go!  First step starting birth control pills Wednesday, doesn't that just seem weird?  Right from the get go let's mess with my Estrogen, can't wait for the hormonal changes that come along with this...... I know Wade is looking  forward to this part as well :)

I am SOOO excited!  Today is a BIG day that I will always remember!  Prayers, Prayers, Prayers!!!

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