Friday, August 20, 2010


WHOA I received my box of medicine today from the pharmacy, BIG like I expected!  I have to say that I was not shocked by the packaging or size because I get a delivery of my MS meds like this every month!  I was surprized however by what was IN the package & the number of 18 1/2 gauge needles!  Those of you who do not know needle"speak" that means "really long and fat" needles done for Intramuscular injections = HURT!!!
  These are the ones I start in a few weeks that Wade will have to give me straight inthe tush............sounds like fun times ahead! I am pretty used to self injecting by now but I do have to say I am a little intimidated by these big daddy ones!   I lost count after 33 on this one alone, lots of other vials,boxes and accessories as well!  I hope I can keep it all straight, good thing our IVF training class had a power point with notes! Pretty sure I will be using this daily!
Today is Cycle Day #12, I have felt great all week and days are just passing by........ possibly the calm before the storm but I can hang - I GOT THIS!   ( remind me of this as I moan & groan in future posts).
Ok well about to start the weekend with the hubby! On to week 3 and injections on Wednesday!

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