Friday, October 29, 2010

8 weeks!!!


Hi!  I know it has been over a week since I have blogged, shame on me! I promise to start writing weekly updates!  I had to share with you the progress that our little baby is making, it just blows my mind that all of this is happening inside my body!

 I can report that over the past week or so I am definitely "feeling" pregnant, there has been many small changes!  From my bra size steadily increasing to my clothes fitting tighter around my middle things are changing!  I can't believe my waist line is going away this quickly, my books say that in the first trimester you MAY gain a couple pounds - YEA RIGHT not sure if this author has ever been pregnant???   I am a little nervous that I am getting big too fast but as my friends keep reminding me there is nothing I can do and apparently I am supposed to learn to "embrace" this :)   Going to work on this part :)

I had my first pregnant shopping spree which really consisted of my  just buying regular clothes bigger sizes, not that much fun.   Definitely don't have a baby bump yet so the transitional stage is tough trying to look AND feel cute.   I am anxious to shop in a true maternity shop and be able to rock the latest mama styles! :)

Ok well here is the update that I wanted to share!  Happy Halloween to you all, talk next week!

 Your baby is now 5/8 of an inch long, about the size of a kidney bean. New this week: Webbed fingers and toes are poking out from your baby's hands and feet, his eyelids practically cover his eyes, breathing tubes extend from his throat to the branches of his developing lungs, and his "tail" is just about gone. His arms have lengthened, too, and his hands are now flexed at the wrist and meet over his heart. His knee joints have formed, and his feet may be long enough to meet in front of his body. In his brain, nerve cells are branching out to connect with one another, forming primitive neural pathways.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

The Heartbeat!!!!

What a WONDERFUL day! Wade & I found out that we have ONE baby on the way  AND saw the flicker of the little heartbeat!  I was in awe to see this little peanut size being in my tummy!  We were pretty relieved to learn that we were not having 4 or more..............I would have loved them all but whoa I still breathed a sign of relief! Wade had a dream last night that we were having triplets, not this time around! :)

We found out that I am 6 weeks and 4 days along, which means I will be 7 weeks on Saturday! My due date is 6/11/11 which is close to my 6/2 birthday, whoo hoo a June baby ( Gemini's are cool).  The heartbeat was 127 and the size was ideal to how far along I am.  Our doctor told us that at this stage we have a 95% chance of carrying a healthy pregnancy, music to our ears!   We can sleep alot easier now knowing we have healthy things happening!

I had an epiphany last week about the uncertainty and outcome of this pregnancy.   I think I was SO worried to be excited and I didn't want to get my hopes too high in case something happened.  I almost paralyzed my brain to prevent me from thinking about this little baby girl or boy,  nursery or due date! Amazing what defense mechanisms we have!    I was taking a walk and it dawned on me that I live my life every single day with uncertainty by having MS in my life! For some reason this really clicked for me, just because I could have a relapse tomorrow doesn't mean that I shouldn't be happy and thankful for today! So that did it for me, how cool that this perspective from having MS really plays a part in this BIG chapter of my life!   A hidden blessing!   So I am officially ESTATIC!!! :)   If something does happen we will face it as it comes and just rely on God's will in the meantime!

So the plan now is that I have another ultrasound on November 3rd, 11:15.  The doctor will make sure the baby is growing and all is well and then I will GRADUATE from the fertility clinic!  YAY! This is a big step, bittersweet  because I will always have some good memories of this time but also won't forget how many times I got poked and prodded and of course the huge checks we wrote to them!  So all is all I am HAPPY for this day!
So this will be around week 9, I will then move over to my regular OBGYN for him to manage the rest of my pregnancy!

OK well this is all for today!  So happy that I am able to write this great report!   GOD IS GOOD!!!!!
I know this isn't the best photo but can you see little peanut in there????

Monday, October 18, 2010


Ok well I realize that Progesterone is very important for this little baby but I have to report I am getting pretty tired of it!  The good news it that after 4 weeks of having Wade shoot a huge needle into my tush daily we are all done with the injections!  YAY, YIPPEE, WHOO HOO!  Got to the point that there were no injection sites available with all of the welts, bruises and pain on each cheek so this is good!  Trying my best not to complain but I am tired of it! So not done yet, today I started Progesterone vaginal inserts which will be 3 times per day. Not to get too graphic but so far not loving these either, not painful but messy ...... guess I will get used to it I have 21 more days to go!

I am feeling great!  No new symptoms to report.   If my calculations are right I am entering week 6 so we will see how this week goes!   I will definitely be blogging again Wednesday afternoon after our ultrasound appointment - BIG DAY!!!

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Waiting for Ultrasound...........

Hi there, well I figured some of you may be logging on to see what I have posted and I have done nothing in the past 5 days so here goes a little update!  Still waiting anxiously for the ultrasound, only 1 week from today!  The days are actually going by fast so that is good!

  So far I have had mild pregnancy symptoms, probably the worst being these crazy hot flashes!  I am actually having one now as a matter of fact, hair is wet and I am wiping sweat from my brow as I type!  Last week I literally had a melt down in DSW Shoe's while buying boots, pretty embarrassing!  But I still ended up with two cute pair! :)  Seems like the minute I get a little warm I just start sweating and sweating to the point of being soaked, it is lovely!  My boobs hurt like crazy too but they have on and off through the IVF cycle so I am as used to it as possible.   I have been taking naps and going to bed around 1 hour earlier but so far the fatigue is manageable!  Hopefully I am not jinxing myself!
Few cravings here and there but nothing specific and no aversions so that is good!  Fully aware this may change :)  So this should be week 5 if my calculations are right but we will learn more next week!

I have had some wonderful news this week as well, found out today that my sister in law had a positive pregnancy test today too!  HOW AWESOME is this!  God is GOOD!
Also my friend Miranda gave birth to a baby girl, Kenzie Claire !    Babies, babies, babies everywhere right now!

Ok well I am cooling down and will go dry my hair  now before my husband comes home to see a drowned rat :)   Will post more when I have more to share!

Friday, October 8, 2010

3rd TEST!!!!!!!

Well I am relieved to report that we just received the news about my levels today.... our number is 857!!!   Numbers have more than tripled since Wednesday so this is a really good sign!  We can breath a sign of relief and finally celebrate this week's news!

Next step will be our first OB ultrasound which I already scheduled for Wednesday Oct 20 at 8:45 am!  This will be the BIG appointment where we are looking for a heartbeat, how many babies and size, etc! Will be VERY anxious for this appointment, so glad we don't have to wait very long!  I think for both of us the results of the ultrasound will really make everything real and will be a very important step!   Until then I plan to take it easy and continue to pray for God's will!

This week has been a big week to say the least!  We found out we are pregnant AND Wade got a significant promotion at work -- GREAT TIMING!  We have so much to be thankful for!

I will for sure document any pregnancy symptoms and that fun stuff as we lead up to the ultrasound! Fun times! :)

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

2nd TEST!!!

More good news for us today!  HOORAY!  Our Beta/HCG level was 226 today!  This means that our numbers have more than doubled since Monday!  What a RELIEF!!!!   Today was a hard day too, not as bad as Monday but this hurry up and wait stuff is for the birds!  It is HARD!    Still hasn't quite sunken in for me but I did accidentally end up at USA Baby today when I had a few minutes to spare!  Boy was that FUN, I sat through a business lunch fantasizing about the paint colors and furniture for the nursery!  That made it feel more real for sure, can't wait for that part!
Very excited for Friday!   Looking for double or triple numbers!

See ya soon!  Keep the prayers a comin'!!!!

Monday, October 4, 2010

POSITIVE 1st Test!!!

        GOOD NEWS EVERYONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

 We had our first blood test ( Beta Level/HCG) today and learned the news this afternoon!
I have an HCG level of 100 so this means that we are POSITIVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
WHOOO HOOOO !!!!!!!!!!!!! YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YIPPEEEEE!!!!!! HOORAY!!!!!!!!!!!!

We have both had a hard day, Wade texted me to tell me he was nervous and boy did I AGREE!   The last few hours were pretty brutal!   I had butterflies and a nervous stomach for half of the day, and still kinda do but now it is excitement!  So hard knowing that a voice mail is waiting to give you the outcome of this whole BIG, LONG process!   I have a pounding headache now so I am sure all the emotions are finally hitting me!  It is ALL worth it! 

Now the plan is to go in for my 2nd Beta level on Wednesday and my 3rd on Friday.   We really are not out of the woods yet until we see that the levels are rising in a healthy pattern.  As the embryo grows HCG levels normally double every 2 to 3 days. One reliable sign of a healthy pregnancy is the fact that the HCG levels are increasing rapidly.  A rising HCG level is reassuring. Typically, in a healthy single pregnancy, the beta HCG level is about 100 mIU/ml about 16 days after ovulation, though this level can vary considerably. The levels are higher in multiple pregnancies so though I am praying for rapidly rising HCG levels I am hoping they don't rise TOO HIGH :)  I think this is a situation of "be careful what you wish for"  right!  I am  kidding because I know that God won't give us more than we can handle..............:)  And if that means 4 babies then we will love them ALL!   It is SO AMAZING to know that a little baby (or babies) is growing inside my body SO SOON after the implantation!  AGAIN this process is a MIRACLE and I can't wait to see ours unfold!

So lets pray for my levels to double by Wednesday!  Be looking for blogs on Wed and Friday!  Thank you for all of the great texts and messages today!  All of your prayers worked! :)  AMAZING!

Saturday, October 2, 2010


Ok so it finally hit me  Friday afternoon that I am TIRED of waiting and frustrated that time seems to be going soooooo very slowly!  I really  have done well this past week but now it has officially hit me!   Definately feeling anxious and there is really nothing I can do except keep busy and distracted and most importantly PRAY!
I know at this point there is nothing I can do, either it worked or it didn't!  I have been searching for something, anything that could be a sign from my body!  I freaked out yesterday when I had some spotting and I am again today, I also have cramps!  From what I remember we were told that this sometimes happens.  I just keep thinking period STAY AWAY!!!!!

So I had to vent a little and write about how I am feeling.  I am so very excited for Monday and it can't come soon enough!  I know Wade is feeling it too, lots of anticipation around here this weekend!

Looks like my next blog will be the results Monday afternoon!  I so hope that you will be receiving GREAT NEWS!   I can't believe this - HUGE!