Wednesday, October 20, 2010

The Heartbeat!!!!

What a WONDERFUL day! Wade & I found out that we have ONE baby on the way  AND saw the flicker of the little heartbeat!  I was in awe to see this little peanut size being in my tummy!  We were pretty relieved to learn that we were not having 4 or more..............I would have loved them all but whoa I still breathed a sign of relief! Wade had a dream last night that we were having triplets, not this time around! :)

We found out that I am 6 weeks and 4 days along, which means I will be 7 weeks on Saturday! My due date is 6/11/11 which is close to my 6/2 birthday, whoo hoo a June baby ( Gemini's are cool).  The heartbeat was 127 and the size was ideal to how far along I am.  Our doctor told us that at this stage we have a 95% chance of carrying a healthy pregnancy, music to our ears!   We can sleep alot easier now knowing we have healthy things happening!

I had an epiphany last week about the uncertainty and outcome of this pregnancy.   I think I was SO worried to be excited and I didn't want to get my hopes too high in case something happened.  I almost paralyzed my brain to prevent me from thinking about this little baby girl or boy,  nursery or due date! Amazing what defense mechanisms we have!    I was taking a walk and it dawned on me that I live my life every single day with uncertainty by having MS in my life! For some reason this really clicked for me, just because I could have a relapse tomorrow doesn't mean that I shouldn't be happy and thankful for today! So that did it for me, how cool that this perspective from having MS really plays a part in this BIG chapter of my life!   A hidden blessing!   So I am officially ESTATIC!!! :)   If something does happen we will face it as it comes and just rely on God's will in the meantime!

So the plan now is that I have another ultrasound on November 3rd, 11:15.  The doctor will make sure the baby is growing and all is well and then I will GRADUATE from the fertility clinic!  YAY! This is a big step, bittersweet  because I will always have some good memories of this time but also won't forget how many times I got poked and prodded and of course the huge checks we wrote to them!  So all is all I am HAPPY for this day!
So this will be around week 9, I will then move over to my regular OBGYN for him to manage the rest of my pregnancy!

OK well this is all for today!  So happy that I am able to write this great report!   GOD IS GOOD!!!!!
I know this isn't the best photo but can you see little peanut in there????

1 comment:

  1. I checked this morning to see what the results were...congratulations! We will be following your journey, and we are wishing you guys the best! Thanks for the great updates, keep it up!
