Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Waiting for Ultrasound...........

Hi there, well I figured some of you may be logging on to see what I have posted and I have done nothing in the past 5 days so here goes a little update!  Still waiting anxiously for the ultrasound, only 1 week from today!  The days are actually going by fast so that is good!

  So far I have had mild pregnancy symptoms, probably the worst being these crazy hot flashes!  I am actually having one now as a matter of fact, hair is wet and I am wiping sweat from my brow as I type!  Last week I literally had a melt down in DSW Shoe's while buying boots, pretty embarrassing!  But I still ended up with two cute pair! :)  Seems like the minute I get a little warm I just start sweating and sweating to the point of being soaked, it is lovely!  My boobs hurt like crazy too but they have on and off through the IVF cycle so I am as used to it as possible.   I have been taking naps and going to bed around 1 hour earlier but so far the fatigue is manageable!  Hopefully I am not jinxing myself!
Few cravings here and there but nothing specific and no aversions so that is good!  Fully aware this may change :)  So this should be week 5 if my calculations are right but we will learn more next week!

I have had some wonderful news this week as well, found out today that my sister in law had a positive pregnancy test today too!  HOW AWESOME is this!  God is GOOD!
Also my friend Miranda gave birth to a baby girl, Kenzie Claire !    Babies, babies, babies everywhere right now!

Ok well I am cooling down and will go dry my hair  now before my husband comes home to see a drowned rat :)   Will post more when I have more to share!

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