Monday, October 4, 2010

POSITIVE 1st Test!!!

        GOOD NEWS EVERYONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

 We had our first blood test ( Beta Level/HCG) today and learned the news this afternoon!
I have an HCG level of 100 so this means that we are POSITIVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
WHOOO HOOOO !!!!!!!!!!!!! YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YIPPEEEEE!!!!!! HOORAY!!!!!!!!!!!!

We have both had a hard day, Wade texted me to tell me he was nervous and boy did I AGREE!   The last few hours were pretty brutal!   I had butterflies and a nervous stomach for half of the day, and still kinda do but now it is excitement!  So hard knowing that a voice mail is waiting to give you the outcome of this whole BIG, LONG process!   I have a pounding headache now so I am sure all the emotions are finally hitting me!  It is ALL worth it! 

Now the plan is to go in for my 2nd Beta level on Wednesday and my 3rd on Friday.   We really are not out of the woods yet until we see that the levels are rising in a healthy pattern.  As the embryo grows HCG levels normally double every 2 to 3 days. One reliable sign of a healthy pregnancy is the fact that the HCG levels are increasing rapidly.  A rising HCG level is reassuring. Typically, in a healthy single pregnancy, the beta HCG level is about 100 mIU/ml about 16 days after ovulation, though this level can vary considerably. The levels are higher in multiple pregnancies so though I am praying for rapidly rising HCG levels I am hoping they don't rise TOO HIGH :)  I think this is a situation of "be careful what you wish for"  right!  I am  kidding because I know that God won't give us more than we can handle..............:)  And if that means 4 babies then we will love them ALL!   It is SO AMAZING to know that a little baby (or babies) is growing inside my body SO SOON after the implantation!  AGAIN this process is a MIRACLE and I can't wait to see ours unfold!

So lets pray for my levels to double by Wednesday!  Be looking for blogs on Wed and Friday!  Thank you for all of the great texts and messages today!  All of your prayers worked! :)  AMAZING!

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