Tuesday, September 7, 2010


Well I seem to be getting some grumbling that I haven't blogged in the past few days, I was taking a little break for Labor Day :)  We had a lovely fall like weekend, even took my last bike ride for possibly a long time, kinda sad but I enjoyed it! :)

So I started my Follistim injections on Sunday morning and have taken a total of 5 injections since I have to do these morning and night, 12 hours apart. Follistem is a follicle stimulating hormone ( FSH), our goal it to stimulate my ovaries and produce a BUNCH of good eggs! I start the monitoring tomorrow morning and then again on Friday.  If by cycle day #34 I do not have 5 developing follicles our entire cycle can be cancelled, so PLEASE pray for this :)  I looked closely at the calender today and it looks like if my levels look good I will be meeting with our IVF nurse around Wed 9/15, give or take a day to discuss instructions for the egg retrieval.   So most likely retrieval will either be Wed 9/15 or Thurs 9/16  which puts us at a Sat, Sun or Monday implantation depending on whether we have a 3 or 5 day transfer.  At this point there is no way to estimate until we get closer!  But I am really happy to know that my mom will be here in the thick of things since she arrives on Thursday afternoon!  

So some interesting injection facts, I estimated today that I have done a total of 19 injections for IVF so far.  Since I started my MS therapy I have taken around 1006 injections since 2005!  HOLY MOLY, I have never added that up before!   I will be doing 3 shots every morning and 1 at night for the next couple of weeks.  So again this is a gentle reminder that YES I can hang with this, NO BIG DEAL RIGHT!  It is all relative to what we consider to be challenging and this is exciting stuff!   

Starting Follistim means the end of yoga, weight training, riding bikes, running/jogging, classes at the gym............must I go on! ARGH  I think this is going to be the hardest struggle for me, exercise is such a part of my routine so I am finally getting it that I just need to create new routines!  I am able to do "light" walking (who really knows what that means)  I did get the green light on walking in my neighborhood even the hills as long as I don't power walk.  So that is GOOD, some activity! My goal is to be as healthy as I possibly can these next few weeks..... no wine for me either, big ouch!

No side affects so far, definately feeling less crampy since cutting the Lupron dose in 1/2.   Taking these steps day by day!  At some point in this blog I will get Wade to write an entry so we can get his side of things, we will see if we BOTH feel I am handling this fairly well!  HA HA  Our sweet husbands always take the brunt of our emotions huh.........

Expect another blog tomorrow afternoon after my appt! 

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