Monday, September 20, 2010

Change of Plans!

I went into see Dr. Eblen today because I was still feeling extremely crampy and bloated this morning. I had a vaginal ultrasound,( getting really tired of these) urine, and blood work done.  My ovaries are double the size that they normally are and I have some fluid that is creating this pain.  I am mildly "hyperstimulated" which is common after stimuating the ovaries to produce so many eggs, however there is a fine line of overstimulating.  At this point we just have to watch and make sure things don't get worse.  Dr Eblen said that I may experience this for the next couple weeks, after the transfer as well.  Gosh I sure hope not this is not fun!

So after we left the clinic my mom and I were on our way to the airport and we called in for results on our embryos.  Our voice mail told us that out of the 5 embryos fertilized only 1 of them is developing as expected. The implantation that was scheduled Thursday was cancelled and we are now going in tomorrow for a 3 day transfer!  The hope is that the embryos will thrive and develop in my body versus outside.   We have no idea how many will be viable to transfer and will find that out minutes from the procedure!  HOLY COW lots to take in!  Both Wade and I were pretty shaken up with this change but we keep reminding ourselves that we only need ONE to get pregnant!  This whole thing has been a challenge for me with not knowing day to day......if nothing else maybe I have learned some patience and how to go with the flow!   I am starting to feel this whole journey taking its toll, I am sure because I don't feel good along with all the changes.  But we are ALMOST there, this will be a huge week  - the one we have been waiting for all this time!

The implantation is scheduled for 10:30 tomorrow, arrival 9:30.  The procedure takes about 20-30 minutes and I am able to take a Valium to relax.  We will be there for  1 hour after with my legs elevated and then mandatory bed rest Tuesday afternoon and Wednesday.  I have already decided to do this on Thursday too.............after all this I might as well try me best and do the right thing!

I am planning to blog tomorrow evening so look for news about how many , how EXCITING!  Baby Wynn could be a reality come tomorrow! WOW
Please  keep praying for us, we definately need it!

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