Sunday, September 19, 2010


Well I spoke too soon yesterday when I said I felt pretty good after the retrieval, I have been having bad ovary pain and back pain since last night.  Neither Tylenol or the strong stuff Percocet seem to help either.... so trying to ride it out feeling pretty sore and definitely not like myself.  I am hopeful that this will start to subside soon since the eggs are out and gone!  Did make it to a movie with mom and had friends over so this was all a wonderful distraction!  Now I am sitting here in my comfy "big girl" clothes and have a date with the couch for the rest of the night!

Also I had to mention that I started the BIG shot last night, Progesterone in oil.   Wade did it and honestly it was not as bad as I expected.   The initial stick was not so bad and I could not feel the medicine going in, no stinging or pain so that was a pleasant surprise.  Hoping they will all be like this!

Ok well on to the good stuff!  We got a voice mail today from the Embryologist, out of the 13 eggs they were able to ICSI 11!   ICSI means  Intra-Cytoplasmic Sperm Injection which is where the eggs and the sperm are  fertilizeded in the laboratory by direct injection of a single sperm into each egg.  This took place last night and since then 5 eggs have FERTILIZED!  YAY  We were hoping for more but are grateful for these and will be anxious to see what happens on Day #3 when they do the Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis ( PGD).   If they find several with abnormal chromosomes then this will reduce the amount of eggs available to transfer.   So at this point this is all in God's hands, I am reminding myself every time I start to worry.  Though I am not feeling good I am still feeling very positive and can't wait for each day this week!  BIG week for us!

So please keep the prayers coming for a 5 day transfer on Thursday and significant developement of the embryos!

See you tomorrow, the couch is calling...

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