Friday, September 17, 2010


Writing this blog currently pooped out from a wonderful afternoon shopping with my mom!   How great is that!  We spent the morning at the fertility clinic, it was really neat to have my mom there to hear all about the egg retrieval and implantation.  I think it has sunk in that the big day is here!  Surreal to know that in the matter of a couple days our baby Wynn could be created!  WOW!

Ok so here are details about the retrieval tomorrow morning, we have to be there at 9 and the procedure is at 10:00.   It will take about 30-45 minutes.  I will have light anesthesia that is easier & quicker to come out of.  Past that I will be there an hour and then will lay low the remainder of the day.  Perfect to snuggle on the couch and watch Texas beat Texas Tech tomorrow night!   Go Horns!
I will begin the progesterone in oil shots tomorrow and continue up until the pregnancy test. If the test is positive I will remain on progesterone supplements for 10-12 weeks, after several week of injections I will have the option to do vaginal progesterone suppositories.  I am pretty comfy with injections these days but I have to admit that I am dreading these, the medicine is so thick that the medicine is drawn up with an 18 gauge needle and then injected with a 22!  YUCK   Wade will have to do these for me in my butt cheeks, this should be SO fun!  I will be extra nice to him during this time, ha ha!    Starting Sunday we will be able to call into our voice mail box and get updates on the growth of the embryos, how neat is that!

The next couple days are pretty quiet after tomorrow, my implantation is scheduled for Thursday 9/23! We are shooting for a 5 day transfer which is best scenario, a 3 day transfer would mean that the embryos are not thriving in their current environment and it is beneficial to get them implanted into my body. A 3 day transfer also has good pregnancy success rates but a 5 day is ideal.   On implantation day we will be there 1/2 a day and I will be getting a Valium to help with discomfort.  On this day we will meet with the doctor and embryologist to discuss how many quality embryos we have and how many to transfer.  We will also learn the sex of the little embryos!  Again WOW!
I will literally be laid up with my legs in the air for a while after this, pretty funny!  Couple days of bed rest to let these little embryos get established!

Ok enough for now, we are out for a nice dinner at Stoney River tonight to celebrate! 

Keep logging on for more of the Wynn baby journey!  :)

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