Monday, September 13, 2010

Getting Closer!!!

Hi there!  Well as you know Koele is home and doing great!  What a joy this little kitty is, she was just meant to be in our family!  I love her so much already!  She will be 10 weeks old tomorrow.

  So moving from this baby to real baby stuff I got my results back from my ultrasound and blood work this morning.  My estradiol/estrogen levels went up from 331 on Friday to 1065 today!  Big jump!  Here is what the levels have looked like:
9/2 =28
                                                       9/8 =114
                                                      9/10 = 331
                                                      9/13 = 1065
                                                      It is amazing that 11 days ago my levels were SUPER low at 28, amazing what these meds can do to your body! 

On Saturday afternoon I started feeling cramps and they have gotten worse since, it is such a different feeling to have ovary pain like this.   Weird to be saying "oh my ovaries"!  I also have some pretty bad lower back pain.  I was told today that that is typical at this stage of Follistim.  I can handle it but defiantely not comfortable, just the affects of the ovaries being stimulated so drastically.

I have my next check on Wednesday at 9:45.  The nurse is still thinking either Friday or Saturday for my egg retrieval.  We are very excited about this day!  So keep logging on this week we have lots of activity!

May the follicles GROW!

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