Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Very close!

Hi!  Well I have more news today!  I just retrieved a message giving me my Estradiol level which was 2869 today, Monday it was 1165!  It has more than doubled so this is good!  On the ultrasound we saw 14 follicles total, 8 on the right side and 6 on the left!  They have grown considerably but are still not up to the goal size of 18 mm, I have some that are 13,14 and even one at 17 so we are close!  

I had to order another refill today, I was so hoping not to have to but hey if I need it I need it!  So I will do my Follistim injections tonight and tomorrow morning, 300 units and then go back for yet another ultrasound and blood work tomorrow morning.

The nurse is now saying that we are looking at either a Saturday or Sunday retrieval!   So just a few days away!    I hope that tomorrow we will set a firm day , we will see!

My ovary pain is still there and my back is aching pretty good these past few days consistant.   Seems that the ovary pain worsens in the afternoon/evening but I am still hangin'.  Could be so much worse!

Well thanks for reading today, hope you had a lovely Wednesday!   Until tomorrow....

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