Thursday, September 16, 2010


Hi everyone!  Well just got some great news, my Estradiol level was at 3824 this morning AND I have 4 fully mature eggs, 4 that are almost there and many others that we are  big and we are hopefull will grow as well!  This means that the egg retrieval date has been determined, it will be this Saturday 9/18 at 10:00 am!  YAY its here!  I am SOOOO HAPPY!

So from here I discontinue the Follistim and Lupron.  I will be taking two injections of Ovidrel which is called the "trigger" shot at 11 pm tonight.   The ovidrel must be taken exactly  35 hours before the retrieval. This medication provides the hormone (hCG), which stimulates the release of mature eggs.   So this is the last step before retrieval, hooray!  I have to say I am pretty happy to discontinue stimulation as I think my ovaries have had it, or at least they feel like it!  

Here is the plan, I go in tomorrow morning for one last blood draw and then meet with the nurse to go over pre and post op instructions for Saturday.  I am so happy that my mom will be there for this visit so she can hear all about it with me!  I was told that I am to expect discomfort on Saturday after the procedure since this is done vaginally.  Boy that sounds awesome huh, can't wait!  Well has to be better than delivering a baby right!!!  We will see!  Saturday will be a chill out afternoon/evening and then by Sunday I should be able to do light activity.

With this news comes a better plan for implantation, should be Thursday if we have a 5 day transfer which we are hoping for.  I will have much more to report on this part after my appointment tomorrow!  So be looking for a blog tomorrow too!  

YAY for MATURE EGGS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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