Tuesday, September 21, 2010

It Only Takes 1 !!!!!

Here we go!

Hi All!  Well today was a long, crazy, special day!  I woke up with this morning with the strangest feeling that today could be one of the most important days of my life!  I was anxious -- nervous for what we would learn about the embryo development and excited for this amazing day full of possibilities! Off to the clinic we went!
We checked in and got dressed in our outfits, Wade looked handsome in his dark purple outfit both of us in hats and all!  Our first visit was from the Embryologist, she handed us a picture of our available embryos for transplant!  We had 4!  Over night 4 of the embryos developed and one of them did nothing so we had 4 to work with for transfer!  On a Day 3 transfer it is very rare to see a Grade A embryo which is the best grade , just because it is so early.   So what we had was 2 Grade B's and 2 Grade C's.   The numbers signify the number of cells, -they must be a 4 cell before they will implant, we had as follow: 1 -10B, 1- 6B, 1-7C and 1-5C.    So this was really good, our 10 B is the shining star and hopefully the one that works!   Being that there is a slim chance that the C embryos will develop Dr. Hill felt that we should implant them ALL!   My first reaction was WHAT???? I had thought that maybe it would be 2-3, 4 had never entered my mind!  He explained that the 5C would most likely not do anything in the laboratory and probably not inside my body either, this meant we would have none to freeze.     So Wade & I discussed our options in private, I was pretty overwhelmed but he was clear his response was " I am a gambling man, let's do 4! We only have one shot!"   I told him to look me in the eye and tell me he was 150% sure he was comfortable with this, YES he was !  So after this I felt reassured that this was our decision!  Dr. Hill has been doing this since the very beginning of IVF around1981 and has alot more insight into this, he was  very comfortable with this plan.   I told Wade if we have four or more babies I will blame him and I told Dr Hill I would find him if we have that many, he said he would hide :)

So we were then wheeled back to the OR suite.  I was on the table with warm blankets, legs in stirrups and waiting for the fun to begin!  Wade was able to see EVERY embryo under a microscope, he said they were so tiny like a speck of dust!  Very cool!  Wade was able to watch the whole thing, most of the time I had my eyes shut trying to breath through the pain and discomfort.  He was able to see the Embryologist take each embryo in the catheter and pass it to the doctor.  The whole procedure lasted probably 15 minutes.  At the very end they rolled the monitor up to my head and showed us where the embryos were placed, WOW we could see them!  Dr. Hill was so great, very comforting, when I asked him how many of these he had done he replied that he has no idea but definitely in the thousands, but OURS was the best!  Aww how nice, he was very reassuring! 

So on to the recovery phase, I really could not feel the Valium I took about 30 minutes before but it probably did help to relax me some!  One of the worst things is that this needed to be done with a full bladder so 20 min after I was dying, never have I used a bed pan before but hey when you gotta go you gotta go!  HUGE relief!   I laid there with  my legs elevated for 1 hour and then we were off!    I have spent my entire afternoon in bed reading, snoozing, snuggling with Koele and rubbing my bloated crampy belly!  Though I still don't feel so hot I am happy!  I know these next days leading up the pregnancy test on Oct 4th will be the hardest of all!  Waiting, waiting ,waiting..........

Ok well back to bed I go!  Wade is taking such good care of me, it is so nice to be pampered!  I got a surprise Pumpkin Latte from Starbucks and a couple books this afternoon!  Lunch and dinner in bed.............I could get used to this! 

Many prayers for these embryos......................IT ONLY TAKES ONE!!!                                                                                                           

Our Embryos Transfered today!

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