Thursday, September 2, 2010

Supression Check, Cycle Day #25 !

Looking Ahead!

Today was my suppression check appointment and guess what I am SUPPRESSED!  Yippee since this is the plan...... kind of hard to celebrate that my body has gone into an almost instant "menopause like" state but this is where we are supposed to be!  So this is good news!  The appointment took 2 hours, I had an ultrasound and there were no cysts, good.   I had the trial embryo transplant and apparently the nurse practitioner, Kelly, said that my cervix sits pretty far back ( ok?)  What this means for them is that they will use a "stitch" as a precaution to hold things in place during the actual transplant to make sure they are in the right spot. Uncomfortable while Kelly passed the catheter all the way through but it didn't last long. I physically jumped at one point and she said "opps I hit the top of your uterus", yea ouch lady!  So another test done & out of the way!

I met with Dr. Freeman who is a physician in the embryo lab.  She went through a great presentation of the embryo stages and fertilization. She even had pictures which was fascinating!  One crazy fact that I learned is that the tube that picks up the sperm to insert into the egg is very sharp and the size of a human hair, isn't that crazy!  It still blows my mind to learn more about this technology!  We talked at length about what a mature egg will look and act like before they implant.  Roughly about 60% of the embryos will not make it due to the composition and progress, this is par for the course.  I am so praying we have quality eggs on harvest day and a generous number so we have more to choose from.    Implantation day is right around the corner, such an exciting day that will be!  

So now I have two appointment scheduled for next week, one on Wed 9/8 and one Fri 9/10.  Both days I will have an ultrasound and blood work.  On Sunday 9/5 I begin a new injectible drug called FSH which will stimulate the production of follicles / eggs.   I will be taking 450 units daily, 225 units in the morning and 225 at night.  I will continue to take the Lupron but my dose goes down from 10 units to 5 units per day, that will continue through the rest of my cycle.  So with this being said I will be doing FOUR INJECTIONS a day including my MS therapy!  GOOD GOLLY, I will be a human pin cushion!

I asked about the side affects from the FSH and what to expect and was told that I may experience fatigue about 3-4 days in but that mood swings shouldn't be any worse than the Lupron.  Honestly I can attest ( and you can even ask Wade) that I have dealt with the Lupron really well and have not felt like a yo yo!  The last two days I have had cramps and pretty severe back pain which the nurse said is Lupron related, but it should start to subside.  So maybe this won't be as bad for me as expected, wouldn't that be a BLESSING!

So today I am looking ahead to what God has planned for Wade & I!
Cheers to suppression!

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