Friday, September 10, 2010

Great Day!

Hi there!  Well I am happy to report detailed progress this afternoon!  YAY! So I went for my 2nd Estradiol check this morning and found that I have 4 follicles on my right side and 6 follicles on my left side!  They are not the desired size yet, they are about 9 mm we want them to be 10 mm to officially call them "dedicated"( nurses terminology).  This means that they believe once the follicles get to 10mm they will grow to the complete size of 18 mm.    The nurse told me that I am progressing slow in the size but the number of follicles is great so we are moving in the right direction! I asked her if we are out of the "worry" zone and her response is that you never know but hightly unlikely that anything will jeopardize this cycle!  Boy is this a relief, I left that room smiling!

Another great thing is that I was given a tentative timeline for next week, egg retrieval here we come!  Looks like I will be monitored for sure Monday and possibly Tues and Wednesday.  We are shooting for the retrieval later in the week, it could be anywhere between Thurs and Saturday!  This makes me VERY happy because this means that my mom will be here for this!  Hopefully things will progress perfectly and this will be the plan!  Remember that implantation happens either at day 3 or 5 after the retrieval....... so we are getting close!

Dr. Eblen wants me to stay on the higher dose of Follistim, 300 units morning and night until I go in Monday at 9:45.  We will know alot more then and of course I will update you that afternoon!

Things are moving so FAST and getting VERY EXCITING!  This process is really amazing, I just can't believe how quick it has gone by!  I am feeling very happy today and relieved that today's appointment was positive!   Thank you for all of you prayer warriors out there, it is working ! :)

So in closing I have to mention that we are getting our baby kitten, Koele, tomorrow!  Most of you know that I have been waiting for my little Ragdoll kitten since July and we are ESTATIC the day is here!  It is kind of crazy the timing of all this, can you say ALOT going on............. Neither one of us has had a kitten in years so we are thinking that this is God's timing.  Koele will be a great distraction through the next few weeks, I can take care of this baby as we hope for the real thing!   I promise to post a few pictures of her, may even do it over the weekend!  Here comes a crazy household!  Let's hope Madison is accepting and patient!


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