Saturday, September 18, 2010

13 EGGS!!!

                   We had a successful day today, 13 EGGS WERE RETRIEVED!!!

 To walk you through the process we arrived at the clinic at 9:00 and were back in the surgical suite by 9:20.   I was feeling pretty anxious but excited! I got prepped while Wade was in the room with me.  The worst part was probably the IV, Vince the anesthesiologist left a couple good bruises on my arm and had to move to my hand. Once he told me that he was giving me a sedative I don't remember a thing until I woke up!   I was in a nice deep sleep, almost wanted to stay there until I got the shivers, it was COLD in there!  The procedure took 30-45 minutes.  After I woke up we were in recovery for about 1 hour until we got word of the number of eggs, lucky number 13!!!    Oh and I won the bet, on the way there this morning my mom , Wade and I took guesses on the number of eggs that would be retrievable .............I was the closest!  Bragging rights was the prize, I picked 14! :)

So we were finished by noon and I was starving so we had a great Greek lunch.  After that we all hung out and watched movies and napped, it was great!  After the medicine started wearing off I am feeling pretty sore and kind of groggy, but only bad enough for Tylenol not filling the RX for Percocet!

The eggs and sperm are put together tonight.  Tomorrow morning the eggs will be examined microscopically for fertilization.  On average we should expect about half of the eggs to fertilize, but this is only an average any  number of eggs can become fertilized so I am hoping for 7-8!    An Embryologist will leave a message in our mailbox mid day to inform us about fertilization.   The embryos will be checked for development each day on Days 2-6.  Day 2 which will be Monday we will learn about the development.  The embryos will not be officially "graded" for quality until the time they are transferred or cryopreserved.

So lots going on the next 5 days until the transfer!  I have strict instructions to take it easy and not drink any alcohol!  Such a BUMMER I was looking forward to celebrating with a bottle of Z + with my mom and Wade tonight!  Oh well plans have changed!   Stay tuned for blogs every day until the transfer!

Thank you so much for your thoughts and prayers today!

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